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Welcome Message
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Melissa Ream

Academic Director

Dear  Parents  and  Students, 
I would like to warmly welcome you to American STEM Prep.  We are very eager to offer you a comprehensive curriculum that will give your child the opportunity to learn English skills and STEM skills in a positive, well-rounded school environment.  We promote positive habits and a growth mindset at ASP.  We encourage our students to develop positive relationships with the different types of world cultures they learn about and come into contact with on our campus.  We hope to build a community of teachers, parents, staff, and students that work harmoniously together to advance our students beyond their peers in Korea and the US.


We believe our program is like no other in Korea. Other schools may offer STEM, however, many fail to develop such an extensive and detailed program as ours.  Our school puts STEM to the forefront of our curriculum and makes it part of our core subject classes that are taught on a daily basis. Why is this important?  Korea is projected to decline from having 4% in 2013 to 2% in 2030 of the share of 24 to 34 year-olds across OECD/G20 countries with a college or university degree.  Will your child be competitive in this new future?  After 6 years in our elementary program, your child will experience more hands-on science, engineering, and technology than the experience of an average American student during their entire 12+ years of primary education. 


Our primary goal at ASP is to have your child speaking, reading, and writing English as well as any American student at their grade level.  Along with the proficient English abilities we aim to achieve, our students will also be capable of coding in a variety of coding languages, programming simple robots, building simple electronic circuits, and being above the average 6th-grade American student in Science and Math. These are lofty, yet achievable, goals. We have the teaching resources, standards, and curriculum to achieve this. Moreover, I am proud to say that we continue to hire a very diverse, caring, professional, and qualified team of teachers and administrators to accomplish this goal.


I am excited for the future of our growing community here at American STEM Prep together with teachers, parents, staff, and students.

Ms. Melissa Ream

Director of Academics at American STEM Prep.

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Contact Us

Elem Tel: 031-212-9117


M.H Tel: 031-214-1130



Elem: 91, Poeun-daero, Suji-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16863

M.H: 113, Poeun-daero, Suji-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16863

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